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Know the CMS Survey Process for LTC

Transforming Long-Term Care with Culture Change Series

Thursday, July 17, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (CDT)

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Event Details

Learn the new CMS Survey Process. Strong professionals know the details of regulations, interpretive guidance, and the survey process enabling them to recognize myth and opinion from requirement. Together we will study the new Critical Element Pathways surveyors use during survey, hear some survey tips from a former surveyor and share yours.

CEs: NHA, SW and Certificate of attendance
Presenter: Carmen Bowman, Edu-Catering

Carmen Bowman is a consultant, trainer, author and owner of Edu-Catering: Catering Education for Compliance and Culture Change, turning her former role of regulator into educator. Carmen was a Colorado state surveyor for nursing homes, assisted livings and adult day programs, a policy analyst with CMS Central Office teaching the national Basic Surveyor Course, and the first certified activity professional to be a surveyor. As a contractor to CMS, Carmen co-developed the original Artifacts of Culture Change, Artifacts 2.0 and first-ever for Assisted Living, facilitated both Creating Home national symposiums on culture change and the environment, and then food and dining. Carmen led the Dining Practice Standards task force. She has a Master’s in Healthcare Systems, a Bachelor's in Social Work, is a Certified Eden Alternative Associate and Mentor, Certified Validation Worker, Group Practitioner and Presenter. Carmen co-founded the Colorado Culture Change Coalition. With Action Pact she has authored eight culture change workbooks and hosts Conversations in Culture Change with Carmen every month for 15 years now. Carmen is Co-Editor of the international journal Activities, Adaptations and Aging: Purposeful and Dignified Living for Older Adults. She started a new eResource series called Using Regulations to Reject & Replace Institution with Home & Normal Life starting with GUARDIANS OF NORMAL LIFE and encourages all to become one!