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Emotional Intelligence IMPACT

Would you rather have a leader that knows more or cares more?

Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center have concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft/people skills and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills.

This session on Emotional Intelligence for leaders will dig deep into the required soft skills to be successful as a leader. Explore techniques to improve your self-awareness and self-management skills. Understand your emotions, strengths, and areas for growth, and learn strategies to regulate your responses and behaviors in various situations. Develop skills to better understand and empathize with others. Learn how to build strong, positive relationships, communicate effectively, and manage conflicts constructively.


  • Define and understand emotional intelligence for leaders
  • Comprehend the five dimensions of EI
  • Practice ways to develop and increase EI

Presenter: Molly J. Mackey, LEAdeRNship Institute

Molly J. Mackey is an author, speaker and trainer of leaders. She believes that by intentionally intersecting the journeys of leadership and learning we can create better leaders. Better Leaders =Better Lives ™ Molly is the founder of the LEAdeRNship Institute and has a passion for business, leadership and learning.

Molly J. Mackey received her undergraduate degree and Master of Business Administration from the University of Iowa. In the fall of 2021, she earned her Certified Professional of Talent Development (CPTD) designation from the Association of Talent Development. She currently works with healthcare and human service organizations and associations to improve leadership and teamwork skills.

Presented: August 20, 2024

Non-Member Price: $49
Member Price: $0