On-Demand webinars
Governance Design - Margaret Sumption video
Introducing Governance Design defines the various governance models healthcare...
Partnership and Alliances - Margaret Sumption video
Partnerships and Alliances provides an overview of the many relationships that contribute to...
The Business of Healthcare - Margaret Sumption video
The Business of Healthcare provides an overview on setting strategic direction and acting as the...
Moving Mission Forward - Margaret Sumption video
Moving Mission Forward provides an overview of the strategic work of the board in collaboration...
Hire Smart How to Interview, Select, and Onboard the Right People
Getting the right people on board is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager....
How Safe is Your Team? Cultivating a Resilient Culture of Psychological Safety
Uncover the pivotal role of psychological safety in enhancing team performance, reducing turnover,...
Confronting Conflict - How to Manage Conflict and Successfully Work through Differences
In every organization there is internal competition, department silos, and interpersonal conflict....
Revenue Drivers for Hospitals (Hospital Financial series Part 1)
SDAHO will provide a hospital financial webinar series, where we explore the fundamental concepts...
Employee Accountability - How to Address Problem Behaviors and Attitudes
One person can’t make a team, but one person can break a team. Poor performers have a...
Service Excellence - How to Deliver a Great Customer Experience
Customer service today is hit or miss. Some team members deliver excellent service and others...
Compensation - Making Heads or Tails of Pay Decisions
Does your organization have a compensation philosophy – or plan? Do you make decisions based...
Creating a Trauma-Informed Leader
Imagine infusing your work environment with trauma-informed empathy, where curiosity replaces...